Ping Shuai Gong - Swing Hands Workout

It's been my goal, as an instructor, to teach Qigong that anybody can do at home.  I've found that, in many cases, this training requires instruction and class time.  Because of distance, availability, scheduling, cost and other constraints, many can't attend.  I still believe that these exercises can be done at home (with the help of the Internet and DVDs). Unfortunately, this has been my challenge since students complain that it's, simply, too difficult.

Well, I think I have a solution. Recently, through research, I came upon a unique form of qigong called "ping shuai gong" or arm swinging exercise.  It's simple and effective. Simply watch the videos, and hopefully, you'll see what I mean.  It can be boring but no worse than long walks or jogging, but you can offset it by either watching television or listening to music.  Put your headsets on.  I do!

Check out the long list of videos that I have on this post.  They're pretty cool with grand master, Lee Feng Sheng,  explaining a mindset (in subtitles like watching a kung fu movie) as his students perform the movements.

I love his wisdom.  It's inspirational. 

The goal is to do three sets of ten minutes.  The reason.  See below.

Every 10 minutes is a phase. 

In the 1st 10 minutes, it will activate your basic circulation. 

In the 2nd 10 minutes, it will start the work inside your internal organs & will also bear some effects on your brain. 

In the 3rd 10 minutes, or about ½ hour, you will discover that some of the hidden sickness inside your body will be uncovered. 

This kind of circulation will bring balance and harmony inside your body. And the hidden old sickness will naturally be cured & you will feel very comfortable.

~ Taiwanese Wushu & Qigong Master Lee Feng San

Read Testimonial

Anyway, check out the videos and let me know what you think!

The following are more helpful YouTube videos.

Instructional Video and Full Workout

As a change, I produced the following qigong 8 piece brocade video that you can do at home and add to your daily workout.

It's pretty cool and I hope you like it while you workout with me!


Episode 10

And finally, my version of Ping Shuai Gong that has you marching in place to break up the workout.  I have students say their legs get heavy.  So by marching in place, it helps the circulation.  It's not for everyone, but it does provide a version that could benefit some.