Benefits of Tai Chi Energy: Healing and Staying Healthy

By Sensei Domi

Staying fit and healthy are things we seniors or baby boomers think about all the time.  As soon as we wake up and roll out of bed, the aches and pains remind us of our ages.

My wife and I were at a friend's house, sharing wine and conversation.  Aside from talking about grandchildren, retirement, and fixed incomes, we talked about our health, how once vibrant and athletic we were, now reduced to taking handfuls of pills --  our bane: arthritis, diabetes, high cholesterol and blood pressure; in essence, taking synthetic prescription medication to stretch the inevitable.

Gotta stay alive, right?  But is pill taking our only option?

Anti-Aging, DHEA and Qigong

By Sensei Domi

As a long time martial artist who now trains Taijiquan and Qigong every day, I’ve definitely enjoyed some of the neat benefits, one of them is appearing youthful, years younger than what my nearly 60 years on this earth presents.  Everyone who I meet with ask me what my secret is, I tell them that I eat right, avoid stress, enjoy life and most importantly, exercise daily, more specifically qigong and taijiguan, you may know it more as Tai Chi.

Qi Gong: Anti-Aging Tool Article Reprint from

By Kay Hutchinson, CAMQ, CAMT

Qi gong is one of the most powerful tools for staying young and nourishing longevity. How does it work?

Builds Internal Strength and Suppleness

Unlike other forms of traditional western exercise, qi gong trains the energy of the body to invigorate internal organs to promote balanced health and prolong youthful appearance.